When we say the word “raw”, we refer to something that is in its original form and hasn’t been processed. Same is the case with honey, when you get it in its raw form, you are getting it unprocessed and unpasteurized. It’s the honey that comes straight out from the beehives and gets delivered to you. Also, remember that if you heat up the raw honey you have above 103 F, it won’t be considered raw and will destroy important enzymes, then and it won’t remain as good in taste as it was before you heated it.
Benefits of Honey
The internet, books and research papers are all filled with stories and benefits linked with the use of raw honey. It’s just amazing how honey comes pure from nature and it still tastes so pure and sweet; as a sweetener if you use raw honey instead of refined sugar, you will see some real time results and benefits for you, like increased energy for your workouts. Honey is the one thing that is good for literally for every part of your body; from your skin to your hair, to your heart and your liver, honey can support your health and it’s highly recommended because of the amount of benefits!
Using Honey for A Hair Mask
If you are someone with dry scalp, and your hair is always freezy and looking rough then you will love to use a home made Raw Honey mask:
- 1 1/2 tbsp Saw Palmetto Raw Honey
- 2 tbsp Plain Yogurt
- 1/2 tbsp Coconut Oil
How to use it:
Mix all the ingredients and then give your hair and scalp a deep massage for about 15 minutes then wash your hair with warm water. Repeat this process at least 2 times a week and you will see the amazing results in your hair.
New to Raw Honey? We also have the following posts to help you understand about Santa Monica Florida Raw Honey benefits:
Honey Is the Best Moisturizer
Honey will nourish your skin because is a natural moisturizer that can help you in getting rid of all the dryness, dandruff, etc. People especially women want their face and hair to be perfect and well, and that’s not possible if they just keep on applying makeup and chemicals alone. Yes, makeup is great, but if you really want to keep your skin in the top notch condition and if you really crave for that natural glow, then you need to use natural products like raw honey.
Honey For Scars
There are many benefits of honey when it comes to skincare, when you constantly apply it directly to your skin you are nourishing and helping you ease your scars, specially the ones produced by acne.
Honey Is the Best Anti-Aging Supplement You Can Ever Have
Raw Honey helps you support your immune system and reverse the aging process because of the amount of antioxidants in it.
"There are many benefits of honey when it comes to skincare, when you constantly apply it directly to your skin you are nourishing and helping you ease your acne scars"
Using Raw Honey Facial Mask
Honey is excellent to tone your skin. Just like your hair, raw honey can help your skin to feel smooth and younger in appearance helping you reduce blemishes and acne problems.
Raw Honey Face Mask Ingredients
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
How to use it:
Mix all these ingredients and then apply the mask on your face just like you would put on a mask. Keep this mixture on your face for no more than 15 minutes to avoid redness and after that just go and rinse your face with cold water. Repeat this process twice a week and you will definitely see the results.
Raw Honey can give your face a very natural glow that will remain for a long time!
Ready to take your Raw Honey cravings to the next level?
Order Today and
YES, Satisfy your Sugar Cravings!
You can buy any chemical product in the market to look good; but give raw honey a try and you will be surprised when you see real time results in a short time period.
Increase and incorporate the use of honey in your daily routine and feel benefits from inside out!